Each of our products comes with a Batch code, Best Before Date and instructions for storage once you have opened the product. It is in the best interests for prolonging longevity of any food product to follow these instructions. They are a guideline and may last longer than we state on the pack, it’s entirely up to you.
Please refrain from leaving any food opened or unopened in a car, on a windowsill or in a hot home – they simply won’t keep as long as you think they may.
Recycling Our glass packaging is recyclable. The labels are easily peeled off. Simply wash the jars or bottles & sterilise in the oven. Most lids can be washed and reuse or dispose of responsibly.
Wooden Gift Boxes if you have been lucky enough to receive one of these – customers tell us they’re great for storing recipes, photos, kids drawing pens & pencils or anything else you want to keep.
Cardboard gift boxes can be flattened and put out with your papers for recycling by your local council.
Under our Food Safety Programme we do not use recycled glass.