4 cups of self-raising flour
2 tsp baking powder
pinch of salt
1 cup of cream (can use cooking cream or standard cream)
330ml of fizz (Tonic or Soda water)
1 cup of grated cheese (optional)
362 Grillhouse Bourbon & Bacon Jam
Combine the dry ingredients and grated cheese in a large mixing bowl and make an indent in the centre of the bowl to drop the wet ingredients into.
Pour the cream and fizz into the hole and with a table knife, cut through the mixture to get it to combine to a point where you feel confident to dump the mixture onto a lightly floured benchtop to pat into shape ready for cutting out.
Place on a baking sheet lined with paper or silicone mat and cook at 220C for 12 minutes until just starting to colour golden on the top.
To incorporate Bourbon & Bacon Jam into the scones - use a rolling pin to roll out to a rectangle. Spoon Bourbon & Bacon Jam down the long end of one side and roll this so it's in the centre of the log. You can also add cubes of cream cheese to the jam as well which melts nicely.